*Rescheduled* - Living on Another World - Armstrong Air & Space Museum

  Dates & times
  Age Groups Adults, Children, Teens


RESCHEDULED- Living on Another World - Armstrong Air & Space Museum
Friday June 21 @ 11 AM
Large Meeting Room

Celebrate Summer Reading Club 2019 "A Universe of Stories" with a visit from the Armstrong Air and Space Museum!

Get a glimpse of what life on other planets might be like by experimenting with tools needed to live in alien worlds. Children will get to make a water filtration system and design their own base on another planet! Armstrong Air and Space Museum stands not only as a repository of Ohio's aeronautical history and a monument to Ohio's contribution to aviation and space exploration, but also as a tribute to Ohioan Neil Armstrong, whose one small step for a man was indeed a giant leap for mankind.

Coordinator: Whittney

Source URL: https://www.marionlibrary.org/srckickoff2019