Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Academic Search Premier Screenshot

Academic Search Premier

Full-text access to a multidisciplinary database of journal and magazine articles, including back issues, and searchable cited references to a number of other resources.

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Explora Public Libraries Screenshot

Explora for Public Libraries

Reliable content from the world's leading magazines and reference books grouped into easy-to-browse categories.

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MasterFILE Premier Screenshot

MasterFILE Premier

This database is a full-text collection of popular magazines and articles. Use the search interface to locate articles in magazines such as Consumer Reports, National Geographic, Popular Science, and many more. Another magazine service available through the library is RB Digital Magazines. With your library card, you also have access to popular magazines on your mobile device or desktop computer.

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Ohio Web Library Screenshot

Ohio Web Library

The Ohio Web Library is the main access point for many online resources and publication that are provided to Ohioans by their libraries. Visit this page for more resources than you see linked here on our library’s website.

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Regional Business News Screenshot

Regional Business News

Full-text access to business publications from the United States and Canada, including newspapers, radio and television news transcripts, trade publications, magazines, and newswires dating back to 1990.

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Rock's Backpages logo guitar pick

Rock's Backpages

Rock's Backpages is the largest archive of music journalism online, featuring almost 50,000 articles on thousands of artists from Aaliyah to ZZ Top. 

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